ENGAGE-University of Nairobi Inception visit to South East Kenya University

On 30th  April 2024 a team led by Prof. Julius Oyugi- Director University of Nairobi Institute for Tropical and Infectious Diseases (UNITID) and Principal Investigator ENGAGE (Enabling Girls in AI and Growing Expertise) made an inception visit to South East Kenya University (SEKU).

The purpose of the visit was to establish a collaboration between the two universities for the purposes of conducting joint research and trainings in relation to the ENGAGE project.

ENGAGE is a capacity building project established to create a health- focused machine learning training for girls and young women to reduce the biases in data science and to help strengthen the pipeline and impact of women to improve health in their communities.

 This project is being implemented by The University of Nairobi, University of Carlifonia-San Francisco and six regional universities in Kenya. SEKU being one of them.

The Vice Chancellor of SEKU, Prof. Douglas Shitanda welcomed the team from Nairobi for the inception meeting. In his welcoming remarks, the Vice Chancellor expressed his excitement in collaborating with the University of Nairobi to execute the ENGAGE program.

The team was treated to a tour around the University, taking in the serene environment and experiencing the excellent facilities that the institution has to offer.

The UoN Team thereafter had a very fruitful engagement with the faculty from SEKU. The discussions involving the implementation of the ENGAGE project between the two universities ended with the team from SEKU expressing great interest in collaborating with UoN.

At the end of the visit, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Shitanda assured the UoN team of his full support in the implementation of the engage project.

“I am impressed by the training facilities offered for the girls and look forward to the collaboration between the two institutions in implementing the ENGAGE project.” Prof. Oyugi concluded in his closing remarks.